Gothic Fusion

Gothic Fusion costume style is very similar to the Tribal Fusion costume although accessories and materials may be different.

To get an idea of the costumes relating to this dance style, look to the fashion of the people who follow the culture.

There are different styles within the Gothic culture itself, ranging from Medieval, romantic to cyber-punk. Generally the undercurrent of a Gothic costume is dark, even if the costume itself is not a dark colour or black, the make-up is.

Some signature elements would include...

  • corsets and strapping
  • lace
  • fishnet
  • the predominant colour of black as well as other deep colours such as maroon, wine, blood, green
  • metal adornment or trimmings
  • chain
  • velvet
  • leather and rubber

Why not go from learning about Gothic fusion costume to learning how to belly dance?


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